NHLPA '93 finally has a home.
Hardcore fans of this classic have hit pay dirt. This place pays homage to NHLPA '93, keeping the memory of blue line slappers and goalmouth scrambles alive. Enjoy your stay and glory to the game.
~ clockwise
Click a team logo above to view the team's ratings and roster.
» January 29th , 2013
For those interested in online gaming, there is a draft league that is going on right now. GDL '93 (Genesis Draft League) can always use some replacement coaches. You can check out the website under "Links" on the navigation bar. If you are interested in joining the waiting list, you can check out the GDL '93 forum under "Online Gaming".
For those newcomers to online gaming, you can read on how to set up your computer for online play by following the Getting Started page on NHL '94 Online.
» January 29th , 2013
It's been a long time since this site has been updated! RayGun has created a new NHLPA'93 2013 ROM to celebrate the strike-shortened season! There are new updates to the ROM compared to the 2010 version. You can download the new ROM using the link to the left. You can read about the new updates by reading this forum topic.
» October 5th , 2009
Timing is everything, and RayGun has created a NHLPA'93 2010 edit just in time for the 2010 NHL season. Along with the updated rosters are
some new additions that greatly boost the authenticity of this product. The official crease, trapeziod, faceoff circles, and more whole grain goodness have been added too.
This isn't your grandmama's NHLPA'93, and you can read more about the update on the forums. The edit is available in the column to your left. Thanks again to RayGun for a great job in what maybe the best '93 edit to date.
» April 19th , 2009
Just in time for the 2009 Stanley Cup Playoffs, Puckhead has released
a 2009 version of Wboy's 30 team NHLPA'93 rom. Featuring current NHL rosters as of 4/15/2009, current ratings based on 2009 season performance,
updated team banners, and more. Check out the topic on the forum for more. Click the link in the left column to download.
» February 20th , 2009
The first entry of 2009 is kicked off with a steel toe, Shaq sized roundhouse boot to the dome. It would make any NHLPA'93 fan's brain swell.
Not by the resulting hemorrhaging from blunt force trauma sustained by a Frankenstein sized foot stomp. But rather by the latest product from
Wboy's hex hatchery. The long awaited, much anticipated, decompressed, 30 team version of NHLPA'93 is here. Finally. It's still an Alpha
presently so there's probably more to come, but don't let that delay you from creating your own custom edit. Now go download it!
» May 13th , 2008
The first ever NHLPA'93 tournament is underway! There's a total of 8 teams who will mutually embrace each others bleeding
heads in a throw down for the inaugural '93 cup. Just click the 'tourney' link in the nav bar or click here for a direct
link to the Tourney Page.
For more info check out the Mini '93 Tourney thread on the forum.
» May 5th , 2008
There's some new NHLPA'93 edits thanks to the hard work of puckheadk8962.
So check out the NHLPA '93 2008 Playoff Update, and the NHLPA '93 1983 edits in the download section.
And give props to puckhead8962, thanks man!
» February 16th , 2008
Hard to believe the NHLPA'93 section has been around for seven months already, perhaps even more inconceivable I haven't added any new content since then! Until today that is.
If you look above you'll notice that the Genesis and SNES Manuals have finally been added.
The poll will get redone as well as the results aren't available for some reason.
» August 1st , 2007
NHLPA'93's grand opening! As you can see this has been in the making; classified, for some time now. It feels good to finally lift the cover off this thing. Big thanks to Evan for letting me do this for his site. I'll be adding things like the manual scans and other stuff as time permits.
» July 29th, 2007
The NHLPA'93 101 class is in session. "The class emphasizes mastery of various techniques designed to hone your defensive and offensive skills".
I felt it was in order to include some videos and images to help illustrate how to perform certain maneuvers. You can find the tips by clicking on the about link above or just click below.
- Scoring
- Defense
- Passing
If you have any tips of your own don't hesitate to email them to me and I'll add them with credit.
I've added a poll of the month as well.
» July 10th, 2007
Summers here and I've been on hiatus so to speak with the site. Still managed to knock off the FAQ's and I'm in the process of getting all the odds and ends sorted so this can be launched within the next month or two.
» June 8th , 2007
My colossal write up about the games lineage and history; dubbed legacy, is finished. Just click on the legacy line in the menu above.
The faq and tips are next in my cross hairs and then we can cut the tape on this!
» May 11th , 2007
It took a while but the Multimedia section is finally finished. From the artwork to the screen shots, downloads, and videos there's more than enough to satisfy the most savage '93 fans.
There's also a new NHL '94 Kaillera server up. While in Gens netplay enter ip:
» May 3rd , 2007
While searching around the net to see if I could turn up any thing NHLPA '93 related I happened to come across a classic EA commercial for the game. It's so cheesy that it's good! I'll get it on here soon.
Highlight videos can now be found in the video section as well. Be sure to check out the "Epic Glitch" clip. It's a classic.
» May 2nd , 2007
Completed the screen shots tonight. Decided to add some pics of the game on one of my old tube T.V.'s to really get that nostalgic feel. I only took the Genesis out for the pics but ended up getting involved doing some demo games and played for two hours solid. Haven't done that in years.
You can check them out in the screen shots page.
» April 23rd, 2007
The artwork section is up. Full sized scans of the Genesis and Mega Drive cover can be found along with some vintage EA Sports magazine ads.
There's also plans to get a monthly poll going for "Who has the best shot?", "What's the best team?", "Should scrapple be considered food?" sort of thing
» April 16th, 2007
Finished the uniform page . It will fill the interim until I can get the manual scans up.
It went undetected but there was a little kink with the team pages background, it's ironed out and up to snuff.
Artwork page should be up as soon as I gather a few more mag scans and such.
» April 3nd, 2007
The links page is up..Make sure to check out the classic clip from swingers.
I also got a hold of the full Genesis manual scan thanks to Fang. Hopefully it will be up in the near future.
» March 27th, 2007
With the foundation set, and caution tape cleared away, it's time to get going on this thing full steam ahead. The team rosters were completed tonight. I've also been collecting media and dissecting audio and video's for the multimedia section.
» March 17th, 2007
Right now the section is still in it's infancy so many of the links and features are not operational. During the sites construction your more than welcome to email any comments about features, or send any media regarding NHLPA '93 that you would like to see here.